FHHRP Student Scholarship


Our Flint Hills Human Rights Project (FHHRP) Student Scholarship is available for both undergraduate and graduate students at any post secondary educational institution in the Flint Hills region of Kansas. The Student Scholarship rewards college students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, who have demonstrated positive reaffirmation for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and allies (LGBTQIA) community through their service, artistic, academic/research, activism, or advocacy efforts. The Flint Hills Human Rights Project will award $500-700 in scholarship monies paid to a full-time student’s current institution in Spring 2025 for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Download the scholarship application materials HERE

Applications must be emailed to fhhrp@yahoo.com no later than midnight on Friday, April 25, 2025.  

If you have any questions regarding the scholarship, please contact FHHRP at fhhrp@yahoo.com.


This Student Scholarship was formerly known as the Praxis Scholarship. In Paulo Freire's work with the oppressed in Brazil, he emphasized emancipatory education and empowerment.  He used the concept of praxis to explain revolution from the ground up.  Freire developed his concept of education as a practice of freedom from a critical reflection on various adult education projects he undertook in Brazil in the late 1950's and early 1960's.  That is, that theory is a part of praxis, a reflection and action upon the world in order to transform it. Praxis is where philosophy induces action, the actual exercising of a philosophical belief.  Paulo Freire always maintained that the cultural and historical praxis that is at the heart of being human is unending.  We cannot transcend our existence as being unconcerned or limited; this limitation actually provides the opportunity of setting ourselves free as we join the political and social struggle for transformation of the world. Freire's ideas are at the heart of the vision and mission of FHHRP.